Lincoln: Discontinuation of New Sales of Lincoln LifeGuarantee® UL (2019) and Lincoln LifeGuarantee® SUL (2019)
Discontinuation of New Sales of Lincoln LifeGuarantee® UL (2019) and Lincoln LifeGuarantee® SUL (2019)
Lincoln is committed to providing our financial professionals and clients with a comprehensive suite of relevant life insurance products to address a broad range of planning goals, while balancing consumer value with the prudent financial standards of our business.
After careful consideration, Lincoln has made the decision to discontinue new sales of Lincoln LifeGuarantee® UL (2019) and Lincoln LifeGuarantee® SUL (2019) (Survivorship UL), which accounted for just 1% of all Lincoln Life sales in 2021. These changes are effective in all states, June 10, 2022. The changes do not impact inforce policyholders.
Lincoln continues to offer a full suite of life insurance solutions, including Term, Indexed Universal Life, Variable Universal Life, long-term care funding solutions and Executive Benefit products.
Submission Deadline
▪ All applications for the products listed above must be received in-good-order at Lincoln by June 10, 2022.
▪ As of May 16, 2022, Lincoln DesignItSM and WinFlex will be updated to reflect a warning message regarding the submission deadline of June 10, 2022.
▪ As of June 10, 2022, Lincoln DesignItSM and WinFlex will be updated to no longer allow illustrations of the impacted products.
▪ Revised illustrations for pipeline cases can be obtained by contacting your Lincoln wholesaler.
Please review these Frequently Asked Questions for additional information on the closing of new sales.